ConvertImages FAQ
1) I am trying to use your conversion program. I can see the preferences and the fact that I have registered, but all there is when I open a jpeg picture is a large square with some indication in small print that it did something, but with no picture and a smaller square with nothing in it. Any ideas?
2) I want to register: How to do that?
3I have heard about your program and am trying it. I want to make a PDF-File of many TIFF-Pictures. But, I have realised at least two things:
- It doesn't import the files in the right order (0001.tif, 0002.tif, 0003.tif etc. 0047.tif, 0048.tif)
- I tried to do a PDF-File with importing 4 files. There were four pages in the .pdf, but there was only one picture included!
What's happen?
4) I'm having trouble creating album pdfs. I select multiple files in the open dialog but only the first one is processed and only the first files shows up in the "Album.pdf".
Am I Doing something wrong?
5) Hello! I have been a registered user of Convert Image for a while now, but recently had to do a full "erase and install" of OSX 10.2 due to some corrupted or incompatible applications (not yours). Now I only seem to have a demo version of Convert Image available. I'd like a fully functional version. Can you assist?
Am I Doing something wrong?
6) I have tried to convert Gifs but BCI seems to fail. the output file does not open. Anything wrong?